The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers. If you are a customer, you may also have received some of these entries in your weekly emails.

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Time to Order Local Food!

It’s time to order from the South Cumberland Farmers’ Market

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To Contact Us

South Cumberland Farmers’ Market
931-592-3399 (no voice mail)


Market News

So much was left last week that we couldn’t get it all in the fridge! Meat is a special problem because we have no freezer. Whether or not you pick up your order (but please do so within 24 hours!), send a check by Wednesday payable to CFM to Kir Strobel, 744 Timberwood Trace, Monteagle, TN 37356. Thanks.
BROWN’S HOLLAR has lip balm and lotion made from beeswax on the market. She will also have extra eggs this week. Envelope for money will be in the cooler. Thanks.
DOGWOOD FARM BAKERY ANNOUNCES NEW GLUTEN-FREE OFFERINGS! New this week—Chocolate Ricotta Muffins and Banana Nut Mini Loaves. You HAVE to try them! She will again have extra baked goodies on her table. Check them out!
If you would like your market order delivered, please contact Rachel Lynch. E-mail: or phone 931-598-0774.

Payment of all CFM orders MUST be made in advance of Tuesday’s delivery. Checks must be mailed in time to be posted to customer accounts before closing of market ordering on Monday. Mail checks made out to CFM to Kir Strobel, 744 Timberwood Trace, Monteagle, TN 37356.
Before you order, be sure you see the little shopping cart. If you do not, log out and log in again. If this fails, turn off your computer completely and start again. This includes ordering from smart phones.

If you want to leave a comment for a grower, be sure to put it in the “Leave comment for grower” area in RED beneath the item you’re ordering. Placing comments in the market manager section will not be seen by the growers.
Don’t forget…
If you do not receive an order confirmation within 5 minutes, your order has NOT been placed in the system. E-MAIL OR CALL US to get the problem solved so you will not be disappointed on market day.

Please remember the market closes at 10 a.m. on Monday; therefore, your order must be completed and placed, and you should be signed out of the software.
Dogwood Vally Greenhouse says thankfully the weather will be a bit cooler this coming week and, along with some much-needed rain, will make very good planting conditions. Our herb and perennial plants are looking very good and would really help dress up your garden before your July 4th celebrations. Especially nice right now are rosemary, several varieties of lavender, and all the thymes, mints, and basils. Foliage of artemisia, santolina, and euonymous; blooms of several asters, balloon flower, coneflowers, late daylilies, and gauras will brighten your garden. We still have several hanging baskets for your porch or patio as well as ferns for the shady areas and a few tomato plants for a late garden. Consider a basket of potted herbs as a hostess gift for a July 4th gathering.
If you have any questions, please call (931.592.3399, no voice mail) or e-mail ( us.

Kir Strobel & Linda Boynton
Market Co-Managers


There is plenty more available so take your time and check out the whole list.

Click here to browse the whole list.

Coming Events

Keep up to date with the CFM by visiting our organization’s blog. or our Facebook Page .

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
