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Eggs (3)
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Great Depression Honey + Vinegar Pie Recipe

Don’t be fooled by its name. Vinegar pie has a custard-like filling that’s sweet and tangy. It rests inside a flaky pie crust and the gets topped with whipped cream, honey, and cinnamon.

When the Great Depression hit, American bakers, cooks, house wives were at a loss. With the price of lemons on the rise, pie devotees searched for tangy substitutes to sweet pies, and the vinegar pie was born. So they had to get creative when cooking with limited ingredients. Vinegar was used in flavoring pies since the 19th century in the North and Midwest. It provided a tart flavor for desserts when fruits like apples and lemons were not available. It was very popular in Kansas. I recall eating honey vinegar pie growing up in Eastern Tennessee/Western North Carolina.

Source: Cline Family Recipe Book (Entered by Lee and Jen Cline)
Servings: 8 servings
Ingredient keywords: eggs, vinegar, vanilla, butter, sugar, honey, salt
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How to Hard Boil Fresh Eggs

Folks say that fresh eggs do not hard boil well… actually, they boil fine, the problem is peeling the shell off without tearing up the white. Here is the secret to hard boiling fresh eggs…

Source: Three Oaks Farm & Guest House (Entered by Stephen Eichler)
Servings: 12 per dozen eggs
Ingredient keywords: eggs
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Maple Custard

I have not tried this recipe but eggs, maple syrup, and pecans are all available this time of year.

Source: This is an adaptation of a recipe from the Michigan Maple Syrup Association (Entered by Jessica Wilson)
Servings: 4-6
Ingredient keywords: eggs, syrup, pecans
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