University Farm
Website: www.sewanee.edu/offices/oess/university-farm/
This grower has a photo album.
The university farm is designed to enhance Sewanee students’ overall educational experience as well as their understanding of the sustainability challenges that will affect their adult lives. An organic garden is established; the farm has a flock of fifty laying hens, three beehives and a herd of seven meat goat does, which will kid each spring. Students built a 30×95’ high-tunnel, solar-heated greenhouse in 2015 and another in 2016. A third unit will go up during the 2017-2018 year.
15-18 work study students are active during the academic year. Two interns work on Summer infrastructure projects. About 500 students visit the farm for guest lectures, labs and structured learning activities. Another 500 volunteer at the farm, often as part of Greek service days. Students can also earn credit through independent study at the farm. Four VISTA/ Americorp volunteers use the farm as home base to support student outreach to reduce poverty and hunger in the surrounding counties. Several farm to table events are co-hosted each year with student organizations.
More than 90% of the food produced on the farm is grown and harvested by students and it is routed to Stirlings Coffee House and the McClurg Dining Hall.