Double A Farm
Website: www.doubleafarmbeef.com
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Double A Farm is a 369 acre farm located in Coalmont Tn. My wife Donna and I raise an assortment of beef cattle from Long Horns to Black and Red Angus and some Charolais. All of our cattle are grass feed and grain finished (to increase the marbling in the meat) then processed at a USDA approved facility. We never use any type of growth hormones or antibiotics on any cattle that will be used for resale! We sell family package plans and also individual cuts of beef in vacuum sealed freezer bags.All our beef is dry aged for superior taste and 1" thick cut steaks. I have a Tennessee retail food permit and are inspected yearly by the Tn Dept of Agriculture. I am a Tennessee Master Beef Producer and a board member of the Grundy/Coffee county Cattlemans Association. I am also a board member of the Grundy County Farm Bureau.
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