Grandmother Mountain Organics
Website: https://grandmothermountainorganics.wordpress.com
This grower has a photo album.
Welcome to our ‘backyard.’ We have a family garden, and offer up our surplus to those who can use it. We are die-hard organic growers. If the bugs want a crop, I’d rather lose the whole harvest than spray gross stuff on my food! Methods we employ as alternatives to chemicals include old-fashioned-weeding, mulching, trellising, wearing a lucky shirt…
Don’t expect quantity, but what we do have is wholesome, local, yummy, and good enough for us to feed it to our little ones! We are not certified organic, because we do not grow enough volume or have enough sales to warrant certification (really, if the garden ever breaks even, that’ll amaze me), but we follow the letter and spirit of organic guidelines, as well as we understand them. If you have questions, please ask!
We finally realized a dream to own land the summer of 2015, and have been expanding what we grow as time allows. Starting with the vegetable garden and fruits. Wish us luck!
UPDATE #2: A blog, with a purpose! We want to provide transparency about our farming practices to anyone interested in reading. Send us questions and topics for future posts, too! https://grandmothermountainorganics.wordpress.com
UPDATE #3: 2019 – We are trying to become a ‘real’ business, and work towards farming as a way to be financially sustainable in our work. :) Wish us luck!
We have turkeys, chickens, geese, rabbits, bees, and an ever-expanding garden. We even occasionally make soap, canned products, and who knows what else will happen.